Even though the focus of this collection is the original MATTHEWS family lines that settled on the Delmarva Peninsula and their descendants, the families of spouses may also be represented. This helps the living descendents with their family research and in some cases with their eligibility for membership in organizations such as the Jamestown Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of Confederate Veterans, etc.
This is a work in progress and the data is updated frequently. Any family information, documents, pictures or related data that you wish to share and have included in the database is always encouraged and is greatly appreciated. There are quite likely mistakes in the database and it is always appreciated when they are pointed out for correction.
The majority of this work was compiled by Lloyd Matthews using the Family Tree Maker database. It was exported to a GED file and then imported into a Master Genealogist database. Some events and flags may not have matched up between the two databases. Over time these mismatches will be corrected. If you have any information on the family lines that you want to contribute please contact either Lloyd Matthews or Jim Matthews. If you have documents or pictures that are not in an electronic format, you can send them to the compiler and they will be scanned and immediately returned. Contributors will be noted on this website.
For further information, contributions, corrections, etc. contact the compilers at:
Jim Matthews 7114 Harlan Lane Sykesville, MD 21784 Jim.Matthews@MatthewsOfDelmarva.org 410-948-0555 | Lloyd Matthews 11 Redhaven Place The Woodlands, TX 77381 lloydwm@earthlink.net 281-296-9618 |