On the Eastern Shore of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
Person Page - 116
James Rogers1
M, #5971, b. before 1736, d. 1770
James Rogers|b. b 1736\nd. 1770|p116.htm#i5971|Daniel Rogers|d. 1752|p113.htm#i5891|Hannah Scarborough Wise|b. c 1707\nd. 1759|p136.htm#i7187|Richard Rogers|d. 1740|p119.htm#i6101||||||||||
James Rogers|b. 1779\nd. 1868|p116.htm#i5972|Daniel Rogers|b. 3 Jan 1754\nd. 2 Feb 1806|p113.htm#i5892||||James Rogers|b. b 1736\nd. 1770|p116.htm#i5971|Patience Rowles|b. c 1731\nd. 1795|p121.htm#i6168|||||||
James Rogers was buried at St. Johns M.E. Church Cemetery, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE.2
Name Variation
James Rogers was also known as James W. Rogers.2
circa 1903
He was born circa 1903 at DE.1
He lived in 1920 at Near Millsboro, Sussex Co, DE.1
He died in 1960.2
[S2326] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 198, 1st Elec Distr, 8th Rep Distr,Sussex Co, DE, page 4B, House 74, Family 76.
[S2327] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex Co, Delaware, Vol Two, by Downstate DelawareGenealogical Society, 12/2007, pg 138.
James E. Rogers1,2
M, #5975, b. 10 May 1836, d. 6 August 1914
James E. Rogers|b. 10 May 1836\nd. 6 Aug 1914|p116.htm#i5975|John Rogers|b. bt 1788 - 1794\nd. bt 1849 - 1850|p116.htm#i5986|(?) Sarah|b. c 1804|p122.htm#i6227|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
[S3610] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 105, Rep Distr 2, Elec Distr 2, nearGreenwood, Sussex Co, DE, Image 37, Sheet 19A, House 319, Family 326.
[S3699] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, James P Rogers, pg 494.
Jennie Rogers1
F, #5978, b. circa 1871, d. after 1910
Jennie Rogers|b. c 1871\nd. a 1910|p116.htm#i5978|Curtis W. Rogers|b. 1843\nd. 1919|p113.htm#i5887|Martha E.|b. c 1849\nd. a 1910|p25.htm#i1415|||||||||||||
She lived in 1910 at Enum Dist 115, Sussex Co, DE with parents.1
after 1910
She died after 1910.1
[S1167] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 115, 6th Rep Dist, 1st Elec Dist,Sussex Co, DE, page 13, sheet 7a, House 86, Family 86.
Joel N. Rogers1
M, #5981, b. 26 June 1837, d. 28 December 1891
Joel N. Rogers|b. 26 Jun 1837\nd. 28 Dec 1891|p116.htm#i5981|Curtis Rogers|b. bt 1810 - 1812|p113.htm#i5884|(?) Maria|b. c 1812\nd. bt 1850 - 1860|p65.htm#i3598|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
He was buried at St. Thomas Meth Church Cemetery, Shiloh Church Road s. of Rt 20, Sussex Co, DE.3
26 June 1837
He was born on 26 June 1837 at Sussex Co, DE, USA.1,2
He lived in 1850 at Dagsborough, Sussex Co, DE.4
He lived in 1860 at Millsboro, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE with parents.5
28 December 1891
He died on 28 December 1891 at age 54.3,2
[S3701] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 291, House 19 & 1913Farm Directory, Sussex Co, DE.
[S3702] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, Joel N Rogers, pg 205.
[S1225] Unknown author, Field Observation at St. Thomas ME Church Cemetery, Sussex Co, DE,12/10/2001.
[S2389] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 146, House 19, Family19.
[S1480] Unknown author, 1860 Census, Millsboro, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 498, House137, Family 132.
John Rogers1
M, #5982, b. 1738, d. 6 October 1794
John Rogers|b. 1738\nd. 6 Oct 1794|p116.htm#i5982|Daniel Rogers|d. 1752|p113.htm#i5891|Hannah Scarborough Wise|b. c 1707\nd. 1759|p136.htm#i7187|Richard Rogers|d. 1740|p119.htm#i6101||||||||||
John Rogers 1. Per Marshall's of Northampton Co, VA; Fifth Generation: Rogers onwww.esva.net/ghotes, Daniel Rogers had a son named John who could bethis John.
[S1712] Unknown author, Sussex Co, DE Probate Records, 1680-1800, Arch. vol. A97; Reg. ofWills, Liber E, page 43; folios 7, John Rogers.
[S3703] Unknown author, FamilySearch International Geno. Index & RootsWeb's WorldConnectProject: The Marvel & Wesley Family Tree.
[S3605] Unknown author, FamilySearch International Geno. Index.
[S3669] Unknown author, 1790 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE.
John Rogers1
M, #5983, b. between 1745 and 1770, d. before 1804
John Rogers|b. bt 1745 - 1770\nd. b 1804|p116.htm#i5983|James Rogers|b. b 1736\nd. 1770|p116.htm#i5971|Patience Rowles|b. c 1731\nd. 1795|p121.htm#i6168|Daniel Rogers|d. 1752|p113.htm#i5891|Hannah S. Wise|b. c 1707\nd. 1759|p136.htm#i7187||||Tabitha Lecatt|b. c 1731|p43.htm#i2572|
John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|John Rogers|b. 1738\nd. 6 Oct 1794|p116.htm#i5982|Comfort Prettyman|b. 1741\nd. 28 Jan 1797|p109.htm#i5615|Daniel Rogers|d. 1752|p113.htm#i5891|Hannah S. Wise|b. c 1707\nd. 1759|p136.htm#i7187|Thomas Prettyman|d. b 1797|p109.htm#i5620||||
[S2335] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 122, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE,Image 27, Sheet 15A, House 360, Family 377.
[S2337] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 192, Rep Distr 6, Elect Distr 1,Sussex Co, DE, Page 31, House 364, Family 369.
John Rogers1
M, #5986, b. between 1788 and 1794, d. between 1849 and 1850
John Rogers|b. bt 1788 - 1794\nd. bt 1849 - 1850|p116.htm#i5986|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|John Rogers|b. 1738\nd. 6 Oct 1794|p116.htm#i5982|Comfort Prettyman|b. 1741\nd. 28 Jan 1797|p109.htm#i5615|||||||
[S3624] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 146A, House 15, Family15.
John Rogers1
M, #5987, b. between 1829 and 1832
John Rogers|b. bt 1829 - 1832|p116.htm#i5987|Daniel Rogers|b. bt 1799 - 1802|p114.htm#i5893|(?) Levinia|b. c 1804|p43.htm#i2589|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
[S3248] Unknown author, Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, Rogers, page 265, Rogers FamilyBible.
John E. Rogers1
M, #5991, b. 24 January 1895, d. 21 June 1910
John E. Rogers|b. 24 Jan 1895\nd. 21 Jun 1910|p116.htm#i5991|Stephen H. Rogers|b. bt 1864 - 1865\nd. 1936|p120.htm#i6119|Emma S.|b. 1868\nd. 1936|p121.htm#i6188|George W. Rogers|b. 11 Nov 1830\nd. 29 Dec 1905|p115.htm#i5943|Nancy B.|b. 23 Nov 1825\nd. 27 Sep 1904|p5.htm#i263|||||||
John E. Rogers was buried at Asbury United Meth Church Cemetery, Route 9 & Asbury Rd, Sussex Co, DE.1
24 January 1895
He was born on 24 January 1895.1
21 June 1910
He died on 21 June 1910 at age 15.1
[S485] Unknown author, Field Observation at Asbury Meth Church Cemetery, Sussex Co, DE on12/10/2001.
John H Rogers1
M, #5992, b. 3 July 1864, d. September 1871
John H Rogers|b. 3 Jul 1864\nd. Sep 1871|p116.htm#i5992|Solomon Rogers|b. 23 Aug 1821\nd. 22 Nov 1909|p120.htm#i6118|Elizabeth Hudson|b. Oct 1834\nd. Jan 1923|p37.htm#i2159|John Rogers|d. 12 Aug 1774|p116.htm#i5988||||||||||
John H Rogers was buried at Joe Long Cemetery, Frankford, Sussex Co, DE.2
3 July 1864
He was born on 3 July 1864 at DE.1,3,2
September 1871
He died in September 1871 at DE at age 7.2
[S1589] Unknown author, 1870 Census, Selbyville PO, Baltimore Hd, Sussex Co, DE, pg 36, House183, Family 184.
[S3711] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, John H Rogers, pg 97.
[S2182] Unknown author, Delaware Genealogical Society Journal, October 2010, Vol 15, No 4, pg90, History & Genealogy of the Joe Long Cemetery at Selbyville: A Long& Murray Family Cemetery by Marjorie E Adams.
John H. Rogers1
M, #5993, b. 12 September 1879, d. 31 May 1966
John H. Rogers was buried at Union Cemetery, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE.2
[S199] Unknown author, 1913 Farm Directory of Sussex County, page 39.
[S3712] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, John H Rogers, pg 284.
[S2324] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, Cora M Rogers, pg 284.
John H. Rogers1
M, #5994, b. 12 November 1858, d. 23 July 1888
John H. Rogers|b. 12 Nov 1858\nd. 23 Jul 1888|p116.htm#i5994|William E. Rogers|b. 18 Aug 1814\nd. 15 May 1898|p120.htm#i6144|Jane Bradley|b. 26 Jan 1823\nd. 22 Nov 1874|p8.htm#i434|||||||||||||
John Houston Rogers was born on 10 September 1807.1
He died in 1825.1
[S3248] Unknown author, Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, Rogers, page 265, Rogers FamilyBible.
John Houston Rogers1
M, #5996, b. 14 October 1832, d. 18 December 1839
John Houston Rogers|b. 14 Oct 1832\nd. 18 Dec 1839|p116.htm#i5996|George Seymour Rogers|b. 10 Jan 1810\nd. 24 Jan 1879|p115.htm#i5942|Margaret J. W. Moore|b. 1809\nd. 5 Dec 1884|p96.htm#i4943|John Rogers|d. 7 Sep 1820|p116.htm#i5990|Polly Scholfield|d. 12 May 1817|p122.htm#i6258|||||||
[S1483] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Baltimore Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 141, House 421, Family421.
John M. Rogers1
M, #5998, b. 2 August 1827, d. 25 November 1889
John M. Rogers|b. 2 Aug 1827\nd. 25 Nov 1889|p116.htm#i5998|Curtis Rogers|b. bt 1810 - 1812|p113.htm#i5884|(?) Maria|b. c 1812\nd. bt 1850 - 1860|p65.htm#i3598|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
[S34] Unknown author, Heritage of the Sound Church, founded 1779; complied in 1976, SussexCo, DE, page 29.
[S35] Unknown author, Mariner's Bethel United Methodist Church Records, Ocean View, SussexCo, DE, Section 2, Row 7.
John R. L. Rogers1
M, #6000, b. 1906, d. 1964
John R. L. Rogers|b. 1906\nd. 1964|p116.htm#i6000|Harlie R. Rogers|b. c 1888|p115.htm#i5954|Bertha M.|b. c 1889|p63.htm#i3489|D. S. Rogers|b. c 1851\nd. a 1910|p113.htm#i5888|(?) ?|d. b 1910|p1.htm#i5|||||||
John R. L. Rogers was buried at Oakley Church Cemetery, east of Ellendale, Sussex Co, DE.2
He was born in 1906 at DE.1
He died in 1964.2
[S2322] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 115, 6th Rep Dist, 1st Elec Dist,Sussex Co, DE, page 13, sheet 7A, House 87, Family 87.
[S3713] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County Delaware, Volume One by Downstate DelawareGenealogical Society, 12/1999, page 176.
John T. Rogers1
M, #6001, b. before 1890
before 1890
John T. Rogers was born before 1890.1
He lived in 1913 at Rt 7, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE.1
He was (an unknown value) in 1913 at Farmer.1
His estate was probated in 1913 at 67 acre farm in Georgetown.1
[S488] Unknown author, 1913 Farm Directory of Sussex County, page 17.
John T. Rogers1
M, #6002, b. 24 March 1843, d. 2 July 1926
John T. Rogers|b. 24 Mar 1843\nd. 2 Jul 1926|p116.htm#i6002|John Rogers|b. bt 1788 - 1794\nd. bt 1849 - 1850|p116.htm#i5986|(?) Sarah|b. c 1804|p122.htm#i6227|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
John T. Rogers was buried at Providence ME Church Cemetery, 3.5 mi S of Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE.2
24 March 1843
He was born on 24 March 1843 at DE.3,2
He lived in 1850 at Dagsborough Hd, Sussex Co, DE.1
2 July 1926
He died on 2 July 1926 at age 83.2
[S3624] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 146A, House 15, Family15.
[S48] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex Co, Delaware, Vol Two, by Downstate DelawareGenealogical Society, 12/2007, pg 78.
[S233] Unknown author, Cemeteries of Maryland's Eastern Shore & Delaware athttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com, Providence Methodist ChurchCemetery, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE.
John W. Rogers1
M, #6003, b. 9 December 1845, d. 17 January 1921
John W. Rogers|b. 9 Dec 1845\nd. 17 Jan 1921|p116.htm#i6003|John Wesley Rogers|b. c 1816|p117.htm#i6007|Nancy Prettyman|b. c 1819|p109.htm#i5619|John Rogers|b. 1773\nd. a 1860|p116.htm#i5984|(?) Zippora|b. c 1783\nd. a 1860|p137.htm#i7241|||||||
[S3714] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 200, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE, pg.7, House 91, Family 99.
[S3716] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, John W Rogers, pg 284.
[S3715] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 200, Georgetown, Sussex Co, DE, pg.7, House 91, Family 99 & 1850 Census, Dagboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page147.
[S3535] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 146B, House 21, Family21.
[S3536] Unknown author, 1860 Census, Millsboro, Dagsboro Hd, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 495, House110, Family 108.
[S3718] Unknown author, 1870 Census, Dagsborough Hd, Sussex Co DE, page 573, ID# DEf0100131534.
[S495] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 115, 6th Rep Dist, 1st Elec Dist,Sussex Co, DE, page 7a, House 81, Family 81.
[S3717] Unknown author, Delaware Probate Records, John Wesley Rogers, 1921.
John W. Rogers1,2
M, #6004, b. 2 July 1892, d. 1946
John W. Rogers|b. 2 Jul 1892\nd. 1946|p116.htm#i6004|Nathaniel H. Rogers|b. 1860\nd. 1922|p118.htm#i6075|Annie B.|b. 1877\nd. 1968|p5.htm#i256|George W. Rogers|b. 11 Nov 1830\nd. 29 Dec 1905|p115.htm#i5943|Nancy B.|b. 23 Nov 1825\nd. 27 Sep 1904|p5.htm#i263|||||||