He lived in 1880 at Wilmington, New Castle Co, DE.1
[S189] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Enum Distr 5, Wilmington, New Castle Co, DE, pg 121B,House 131, Family 229.
Laura Belle Johnson1
F, #2364, b. 27 June 1891, d. 9 March 1949
Laura Belle Johnson|b. 27 Jun 1891\nd. 9 Mar 1949|p40.htm#i2364|Harry Johnson|b. Aug 1860\nd. 1928|p39.htm#i2340|Minnie E. O'Day|b. 19 Mar 1866\nd. 26 May 1939|p102.htm#i5253|||||||William E. O'Day|b. 6 Apr 1837\nd. 26 Aug 1926|p104.htm#i5339|Violetta Murphy|b. 4 Mar 1841\nd. 24 Jul 1919|p96.htm#i4993|
[S1692] Unknown author, 1910 Census, Enumeration District 108, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE, Image30, Sheet 15B, House 80, Family 82.
[S1668] Unknown author, Louise LeCates Matthews Zeallor.
[S1693] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enum Distr 185, near Seaford, Sussex Co, DE, pg 14A,House 345, Family 367.
[S1694] Unknown author, 1930 Census, Enum Distr 11, District 3, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 17B, House391, Family 391.
Libby Johnson1
F, #2366, b. 27 October 1884, d. 4 August 1885
Libby Johnson|b. 27 Oct 1884\nd. 4 Aug 1885|p40.htm#i2366|George W. Johnson|b. 1854\nd. 1928|p39.htm#i2336|Emma E.|b. 14 Sep 1854\nd. 16 Jun 1902|p25.htm#i1408|||||||||||||
Libby Johnson was buried at Bridgeville Public Cemtery, Bridgeville, Sussex Co, DE.1,2
27 October 1884
She was born on 27 October 1884.1
4 August 1885
She died on 4 August 1885.1
[S30] Unknown author, Field observation 2/6/2001 at Bridgeville Cemetery, Bridgeville,Sussex Co, DE.
[S1695] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, Libby Johnson, pg 470.
Lillie Johnson1
F, #2367, b. circa 1862
Lillie Johnson|b. c 1862|p40.htm#i2367|Samuel C. Johnson|b. c 1834\nd. bt 1880 - 1898|p40.htm#i2389|Mary Elizabeth|b. c 1835\nd. 19 Mar 1898|p26.htm#i1483|||||||||||||
Lizzie Johnson|b. c 1870|p40.htm#i2368|Harry Johnson|b. c 1860|p39.htm#i2344||||? Johnson|d. b 1880|p38.htm#i2302|(?) Elizabeth|b. c 1821|p26.htm#i1478|||||||
Lottie A. Johnson|b. 1879|p40.htm#i2369|Henry J. Johnson|b. c 1832|p39.htm#i2349|Mary Matthews|b. c 1846|p81.htm#i4282|||||||Francis P. Matthews|b. bt 1820 - 1825\nd. a 1878|p73.htm#i3978|Matilda G. Devander|b. 1830|p23.htm#i1277|
Marion Johnson|b. c 1872|p40.htm#i2370|John H. Johnson|b. c 1840|p40.htm#i2360|Etheline M. Tyson|b. 23 Sep 1840|p130.htm#i6829|||||||Joseph Tyson|b. 10 Feb 1816\nd. a 1900|p130.htm#i6840|Mary E. Abrams|b. 10 Jun 1817\nd. 18 Jun 1868|p2.htm#i53|
[S1664] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Enum Distr 15, 6th Distr, Rising Sun, Cecil Co, MD, pg.201A, House 4, Family 4.
Mary A. Johnson1
F, #2372, b. 1929, d. 1993
Mary A. Johnson|b. 1929\nd. 1993|p40.htm#i2372|William B. Johnson|b. 1897\nd. 1970|p40.htm#i2401|Marguerite S.|b. 1899\nd. 1984|p121.htm#i6190|||||||||||||
Mary A. Johnson was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE.1
She was born in 1929.1
She died in 1993.1
[S214] Unknown author, Field observation - 4/13/2003 at Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Mary E. Johnson1
F, #2373, b. 1864
Mary E. Johnson|b. 1864|p40.htm#i2373|Henry J. Johnson|b. c 1832|p39.htm#i2349|Mary Matthews|b. c 1846|p81.htm#i4282|||||||Francis P. Matthews|b. bt 1820 - 1825\nd. a 1878|p73.htm#i3978|Matilda G. Devander|b. 1830|p23.htm#i1277|
Mary E. Johnson|b. 1914\nd. 1981|p40.htm#i2374|Harry Walter Johnson|b. 8 Aug 1879\nd. 1957|p39.htm#i2347|Ida V. Ellingsworth|b. 1877\nd. 1952|p26.htm#i1490|||||||||||||
Mary E. Johnson was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE.1
She was born in 1914.1
She lived in 1920 at Bridgeville, Sussex Co, DE.2
She died in 1981.1
[S1179] Unknown author, Field observation 4/13/2003 at Odd Fellows Cemetery.
[S1244] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enum Distr 112, Bridgeville, Sussex Co, DE, pg6, House124, Family 124.
Mary M. Johnson1
F, #2375, b. 1894, d. 1907
Mary M. Johnson was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE near Harry W. Johnson.1
She was born in 1894.1
She died in 1907.1
[S1179] Unknown author, Field observation 4/13/2003 at Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Mary R. Johnson1
F, #2376, b. circa 1878
Mary R. Johnson|b. c 1878|p40.htm#i2376|John H. Johnson|b. c 1840|p40.htm#i2360|Etheline M. Tyson|b. 23 Sep 1840|p130.htm#i6829|||||||Joseph Tyson|b. 10 Feb 1816\nd. a 1900|p130.htm#i6840|Mary E. Abrams|b. 10 Jun 1817\nd. 18 Jun 1868|p2.htm#i53|
[S1664] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Enum Distr 15, 6th Distr, Rising Sun, Cecil Co, MD, pg.201A, House 4, Family 4.
Ollie Johnson1
M, #2378, b. 1878, d. 1961
Ollie Johnson was buried at Bridgeville Public Cemtery, Bridgeville, Sussex Co, DE.1,2
He was born in 1878.1
He died in 1961.1
[S30] Unknown author, Field observation 2/6/2001 at Bridgeville Cemetery, Bridgeville,Sussex Co, DE.
[S1696] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume Three by DownstateDelaware Genealogical Society , 2011, Ollie Johnson, pg 470.
Purnel K. Johnson1
M, #2381, b. 1834, d. 1913
Purnel K. Johnson was buried at Goshen M. E. Church, Milton, Sussex Co, DE.1
He was born in 1834.1
He died in 1913.1
[S1697] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex County Delaware, Volume One by Downstate DelawareGenealogical Society, 12/1999, pg 120.
Purnell Johnson1
M, #2382, b. 1831, d. 1893
Purnell Johnson was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Camden, Sussex Co, DE.1
He was born in 1831.1
He died in 1893.1
[S64] Unknown author, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Camden, Kent Co, DE fromftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/de/kent/cemeteries/oddfell2.txt.
Romie Washington Johnson1
M, #2384, b. 3 December 1885, d. 1947
Romie Washington Johnson|b. 3 Dec 1885\nd. 1947|p40.htm#i2384|Cornelius B. Johnson|b. 1862\nd. 1928|p39.htm#i2318|Mary J.|b. 1847\nd. 1922|p37.htm#i2234|||||||||||||
[S1619] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enum Distr 182, Bridgeville, Sussex Co, DE, pg 6B, House114, Family 114.
Rosa Johnson1
F, #2385, b. circa 1865
Rosa Johnson|b. c 1865|p40.htm#i2385|Samuel C. Johnson|b. c 1834\nd. bt 1880 - 1898|p40.htm#i2389|Mary Elizabeth|b. c 1835\nd. 19 Mar 1898|p26.htm#i1483|||||||||||||
[S1235] Unknown author, Obituary of Elizabeth Johnson, Denton Journal, Denton, Caroline Co,MD, 3/19/1898.
S. Carroll Johnson1
M, #2387, b. between 1871 and 1872, d. after 6 April 1935
S. Carroll Johnson|b. bt 1871 - 1872\nd. a 6 Apr 1935|p40.htm#i2387|Samuel C. Johnson|b. c 1834\nd. bt 1880 - 1898|p40.htm#i2389|Mary Elizabeth|b. c 1835\nd. 19 Mar 1898|p26.htm#i1483|||||||||||||
S. Carroll Johnson 1. He was a candidate for sheriff for Republican Party in CarolineCo, MD per Denton Journal, Denton, Caroline Co, MD, pg 5, 10/13/1923.
between 1871 and 1872
He was born between 1871 and 1872 at MD.2
He lived in 1880 at Dixons, Queen Annes Co, MD.3
4 June 1892
He was (an unknown value) on 4 June 1892 at Owns Granary in Ingleside, Queen Anne's Co, MD.4
19 March 1898
He lived on 19 March 1898 at Queen Anne's Co, MD.1
[S1709] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 181, Election District 2, Greenwood,Sussex Co, DE, pg. 16, House 68, Family 68 & Denton Journal,3/19/1898, MD.
[S1235] Unknown author, Obituary of Elizabeth Johnson, Denton Journal, Denton, Caroline Co,MD, 3/19/1898.
Samuel J. Johnson1
M, #2390, b. 1871
Samuel J. Johnson|b. 1871|p40.htm#i2390|Henry J. Johnson|b. c 1832|p39.htm#i2349|Mary Matthews|b. c 1846|p81.htm#i4282|||||||Francis P. Matthews|b. bt 1820 - 1825\nd. a 1878|p73.htm#i3978|Matilda G. Devander|b. 1830|p23.htm#i1277|