John Bloxom1

M, #365, b. circa 1750
Residence*John Bloxom lived at near Cannon's Ferry, Sussex Co, DE.2 
Death*He died at near Cannon's Ferry, Sussex Co, DE.2 
Occupation*He was (an unknown value) at Farmer.2 
Name Variation John Bloxom was also known as Phamey. 
Birth*circa 1750He was born circa 1750.1 
Marriage*circa 1775He married Euphamia Lewis, daughter of Levin Lewis and Peggy Major, circa 1775.1 


 Euphamia Lewis b. c 1754, d. 1827


  1. [S329] Unknown author, Miles Files at
  2. [S330] Unknown author, Cecil Fillmore Lewis & Relatives, Salisbury, 1972-Ancestral Recordbeginning with John Lewis, 1619-1697, page 13; from Sara Rall e-mail address.

Sarah Elizabeth Bloxom1

F, #367, b. circa 1834
Birth*circa 1834Sarah Elizabeth Bloxom was born circa 1834 at DE.2 
Residence*1880She lived in 1880 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co, PA.2 


 Isaiah Long b. bt 1826 - 1827
Child 1.James S. Long b. c 1864


  1. [S332] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co, PA, page 159B & FamilyHistories & Descendants of Richard Wilson Long & Arabella Jane AdkinsLong & Others.
  2. [S328] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co, PA, page 159B.

Ethel M Bonk1

F, #368, b. 23 July 1896, d. 18 April 1966
Burial*Ethel M Bonk was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Sussex Co, DE.1 
Birth*23 July 1896She was born on 23 July 1896.1 
Death*18 April 1966She died on 18 April 1966 at age 69.1 


Child 1.Jack M Bonk b. 19 Jul 1919, d. 13 Sep 1996


  1. [S333] Unknown author, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Delaware, Douglas M. Bree & Charles E.Swift on 12/31/2008 for Laurel Historical Society, pg 65, Section O2N,Lot 80, Ethel M Bonk.

Jack M Bonk1,2

M, #369, b. 19 July 1919, d. 13 September 1996
Jack M Bonk|b. 19 Jul 1919\nd. 13 Sep 1996|p7.htm#i369||||Ethel M Bonk|b. 23 Jul 1896\nd. 18 Apr 1966|p7.htm#i368|||||||||||||
Mother Ethel M Bonk b. 23 Jul 1896, d. 18 Apr 1966
Burial*Jack M Bonk was buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Sussex Co, DE.3,2 
Birth*19 July 1919He was born on 19 July 1919.1,2 
Death*13 September 1996He died on 13 September 1996 at age 77.1,2 


  1. [S334] Unknown author, Shirley Ann Matthews Truitt Bonk.
  2. [S335] Unknown author, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel, Delaware, Douglas M. Bree & Charles E.Swift on 12/31/2008 for Laurel Historical Society, pg 65, Section O2N,Lot 80, Jack M Bonk.
  3. [S336] Unknown author, Shirley Ann Matthews Truitt Bonk & field observation.

Hattie M Booth1

F, #377, b. 27 February 1887
Married NameHer married name was Truitt. 
Birth*27 February 1887Hattie M Booth was born on 27 February 1887 at VA.1 
Residence*September 1943She lived in September 1943 at Laurel, Sussex Co, DE.1 
Marriage*4 September 1943She married James Henry Truitt on 4 September 1943 at Laurel, Sussex Co, DE by Rev Lee Elliott.1 


 James Henry Truitt b. 12 Mar 1887, d. 24 Jul 1964


  1. [S341] Unknown author, Delaware Marriage Certificate, Certificate # 4464, Sussex County,James H Truitt & Hattie M Massey, m 9/4/1943, filed 9/7/1943.

Maria Booth1

F, #378, b. 1783
Name Variation Maria Booth was also known as Marie in 1860. 
Birth*1783She was born in 1783 at DE.2 
Residence*1860She lived in 1860 at New Castle Hd, New Castle Co, DE.2 


  1. [S342] Unknown author, Marshall's of Northampton Co, VA; Tenth Generation: 1837 0f Rogers onGhotes.
  2. [S343] Unknown author, 1860 Census, New Castle Hd, New Castle Co, DE, pg 12, House 611,Family 611.

Elizabeth (Charity) Bosman1

F, #380, b. circa 1822, d. after 1880
Elizabeth (Charity) Bosman|b. c 1822\nd. a 1880|p7.htm#i380|Ballard Bozman|b. c 1800|p8.htm#i428|Rachel Milligan|b. c 1800\nd. bt 1838 - 1839|p95.htm#i4905|||||||||||||
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Ballard Bozman b. c 1800
Mother Rachel Milligan b. c 1800, d. bt 1838 - 1839
Note*Elizabeth (Charity) Bosman 1. May be Elizabeth Boswell who married Henry 1/25/1840 in WorcesterCo, MD. Since this is the only Boswell in Worcester Co, MD records onFTM CD # 2224, I think the name is more likely Bosman or Bozman. 
Married NameHer married name was Matthews. 
Name Variation Elizabeth (Charity) Bosman was also known as Elizabeth Boswell (FTM # 224) Charity Bozman, CD. 
Birth*circa 1822She was born circa 1822 at MD.2 
Marriage*25 January 1840She married Robert Henry Matthews, son of Whittington Matthews and Sarah Muir, on 25 January 1840 at Worcester Co, MD.3 
Residence*1850Elizabeth (Charity) Bosman lived in 1850 at Dublin District, Somerset Co, MD.4 
Residence1880She lived in 1880 at Brinkley District, Somerset Co, MD.5 
Death*after 1880She died after 1880.5 


 Robert Henry Matthews b. 6 Jan 1819, d. a 1880
Children 1.Mary Ann Matthews b. 17 Sep 1841, d. 20 Nov 1928
 2.Sarah J. Matthews b. c 1843
 3.Ellin Martha Matthews b. c 1848
 4.Robert B. Matthews+ b. Apr 1851
 5.Amanda H. Matthews b. bt 1853 - 1854
 6.George A. Matthews b. bt 1855 - 1858
 7.Ambrose Matthews b. bt 1858 - 1860
 8.Susan E. Matthews b. 26 Sep 1945, d. 2 Sep 1933


  1. [S344] Unknown author, 1850 Census of Somerset Co, MD & Dryden Files(page 114 of Matthewsfile) & FTM CD # 224.
  2. [S345] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dublin Distr, Somerset Co, MD, pg 819, House 37, Family37 and 1860 census, pg 156, house 1079, family 1082.
  3. [S281] Unknown author, FTM CD # 224, MD Marriages.
  4. [S346] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Dublin District, Somerset County, page 410A, home 937,family 937.
  5. [S347] Unknown author, 1880 Census, Brinkley Dist, Somerset Co, MD, pg 42, House 364, Family375.

Bette Boston

F, #382, b. 13 April 1693, d. before 9 October 1750
Bette Boston|b. 13 Apr 1693\nd. b 9 Oct 1750|p7.htm#i382|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||Henry Boston Sr.|d. 24 Sep 1676|p7.htm#i390||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. bt 1673 - 1677, d. 1721
Married NameHer married name was Taylor. 
Birth*13 April 1693Bette Boston was born on 13 April 1693 at Probably Morumsco, Somerset Co, MD.1 
Death*before 9 October 1750She died before 9 October 1750 at Somerset Co, MD.1 


  1. [S348] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 19.

David Boston1

M, #383, b. before 1750
David Boston|b. b 1750|p7.htm#i383|Isaac Boston|b. b 1734|p7.htm#i394||||Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|||||||
Father Isaac Boston b. b 1734
Birth*before 1750David Boston was born before 1750.1 
Residence*1750He lived in 1750 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD with father.1 


  1. [S349] Unknown author, 1750 Tax List, Somerset Co, MD, Pocomoke Hd, Household 123 from MDState Archives.

Elisabeth Boston1

F, #384, b. 7 May 1755
Elisabeth Boston|b. 7 May 1755|p7.htm#i384|Lazarus Boston|b. c 1727\nd. Apr 1789|p7.htm#i399|Grace Matthews|b. c 1731\nd. bt 1800 - 1804|p74.htm#i4012|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Teague Matthews Sr.|b. c 1695\nd. Jan 1761|p87.htm#i4521|Elizabeth Adams|b. c 1710\nd. a 30 Jun 1772|p2.htm#i62|
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Box)
Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Lazarus Boston b. c 1727, d. Apr 1789
Mother Grace Matthews b. c 1731, d. bt 1800 - 1804
Birth*7 May 1755Elisabeth Boston was born on 7 May 1755 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1 


  1. [S350] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 69.

Esau Boston1

M, #385, b. 1695, d. before 30 August 1768
Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||Henry Boston Sr.|d. 24 Sep 1676|p7.htm#i390||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. bt 1673 - 1677, d. 1721
Note*Esau Boston 1. Bequeaths in his will per Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #4,Folio 140, 1760-1769, Esau Boston, pg 73 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001to grandsons, Elijah , Easu, Jacob & David Boston; Sons, Jacob,Lazarus; daughter, Mary Cottingham and granddaughter, Mary Cottingham. 
Birth*1695He was born in 1695 at Morumsco, Somerset Co, MD.1 
Marriage*1720He married Ellis Dennis in 1720 at Somerset Co, MD. 
Residence*1750Esau Boston lived in 1750 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD.2 
Occupation*1768He was (an unknown value) in 1768 at Planter.1 
Will*2 June 1768He left a will on 2 June 1768 at Somerset Co, MD Deeds 24:81-82.3 
Death*before 30 August 1768He died before 30 August 1768 at Morumsco, Somerset Co, MD.1 
Probate*30 August 1768His estate was probated on 30 August 1768 at Somerset Co, MD.3 


 Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Children 1.Esau Boston Jr.+ b. c 1721, d. 6 Dec 1760
 2.Jacob Boston+ b. 1722, d. 31 Mar 1788
 3.Mary Boston b. c 1725, d. bt 1770 - Mar 1773
 4.Lazarus Boston+ b. c 1727, d. Apr 1789
 5.William Boston b. c 1727, d. bt 1744 - 1745
 6.Mathew Boston+ b. c 1730, d. bt 1763 - Nov 1767
 7.Isaac Boston+ b. b 1734


  1. [S348] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 19.
  2. [S352] Unknown author, 1750 Tax List, Somerset Co, MD, Pocomoke Hd, Household 121 from MDState Archives.
  3. [S351] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #4, Folio 140, 1760-1769, Esau Boston,pg 73 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.

Esau Boston1

M, #386, b. 28 September 1753
Esau Boston|b. 28 Sep 1753|p7.htm#i386|Lazarus Boston|b. c 1727\nd. Apr 1789|p7.htm#i399|Grace Matthews|b. c 1731\nd. bt 1800 - 1804|p74.htm#i4012|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Teague Matthews Sr.|b. c 1695\nd. Jan 1761|p87.htm#i4521|Elizabeth Adams|b. c 1710\nd. a 30 Jun 1772|p2.htm#i62|
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Box)
Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Lazarus Boston b. c 1727, d. Apr 1789
Mother Grace Matthews b. c 1731, d. bt 1800 - 1804
Death*Esau Boston died at Somerset Co, MD. 
Birth*28 September 1753He was born on 28 September 1753 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD. 


  1. [S350] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 69.

Esau Boston1

M, #387, b. between 1673 and 1677, d. 1721
Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387|Henry Boston Sr.|d. 24 Sep 1676|p7.htm#i390||||||||||||||||
Father Henry Boston Sr. d. 24 Sep 1676
Birth*between 1673 and 1677Esau Boston was born between 1673 and 1677.2 
Death*1721He died in 1721 at Somerset Co, MD.3 


Children 1.Bette Boston b. 13 Apr 1693, d. b 9 Oct 1750
 2.Esau Boston+ b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768


  1. [S353] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 19.
  2. [S177] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 322.
  3. [S178] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436.

Esau Boston Jr.1

M, #388, b. circa 1721, d. 6 December 1760
Esau Boston Jr.|b. c 1721\nd. 6 Dec 1760|p7.htm#i388|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Birth*circa 1721Esau Boston Jr. was born circa 1721 at Somerset Co, MD.2 
Residence*1750He lived in 1750 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD adjacent to father.3 
Death*6 December 1760He died on 6 December 1760.2 


Child 1.Maritha Boston b. 16 Jul 1752


  1. [S348] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 19.
  2. [S354] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 20.
  3. [S352] Unknown author, 1750 Tax List, Somerset Co, MD, Pocomoke Hd, Household 121 from MDState Archives.

Henry Boston Jr.1

M, #389, b. 13 August 1656
Henry Boston Jr.|b. 13 Aug 1656|p7.htm#i389|Henry Boston Sr.|d. 1676|p7.htm#i391|(?) Ann|d. b 1673|p4.htm#i201|||||||||||||
Father Henry Boston Sr. d. 1676
Mother (?) Ann d. b 1673
Birth*13 August 1656Henry Boston Jr. was born on 13 August 1656.2 


  1. [S355] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935.
  2. [S177] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 322.

Henry Boston Sr.1

M, #390, d. 24 September 1676
Event-Misc*Henry Boston Sr. was (an unknown value) at Church of England.2 
Residence*between March 1655 and August 1661He lived between March 1655 and August 1661 at Northampton County, VA.3 
Residence1663He lived in 1663 at Annemessex, Somerset Co, MD.4 
Probate*1 February 1664His estate was probated on 1 February 1664 at Patented 400 acres called Boston's Adventure.5 
Occupation*1666He was (an unknown value) in 1666 at Justice Of The Peace.6 
Death*24 September 1676He died on 24 September 1676 at Annemessex Hd. Somerset Co, MD.7 

Family 1

 (?) Ann d. b 1673

Family 2

Child 1.Richard Boston b. 1670, d. bt 1707 - 1708

Family 3

Children 1.Esau Boston+ b. bt 1673 - 1677, d. 1721
 2.Isaac Boston b. bt 1673 - 1677, d. 1701


  1. [S356] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, pages 322, 436.
  2. [S360] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 468.
  3. [S359] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, pages 320, 322.
  4. [S361] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 320.
  5. [S357] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 470.
  6. [S358] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 394.
  7. [S177] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 322.

Henry Boston Sr.1

M, #391, d. 1676
Death*1676Henry Boston Sr. died in 1676 at Somerset Co, MD.1 
Will*between May 1677 and August 1677He left a will between May 1677 and August 1677 at Settlement of estate.2 


 (?) Ann d. b 1673
Child 1.Henry Boston Jr. b. 13 Aug 1656


  1. [S178] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436.
  2. [S362] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436; MD Cal. of Wills, II, page 212; EB 13, pp. 28 and 131.

Isaac Boston1

M, #392, b. between 1673 and 1677, d. 1701
Isaac Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1701|p7.htm#i392|Henry Boston Sr.|d. 24 Sep 1676|p7.htm#i390||||||||||||||||
Father Henry Boston Sr. d. 24 Sep 1676
Birth*between 1673 and 1677Isaac Boston was born between 1673 and 1677.2 
Marriage*27 May 1685He married Elizabeth Long, daughter of Samuel Long and Jane Mitchell, on 27 May 1685.3 
Death*1701Isaac Boston died in 1701 at Somerset Co, MD.4 


 Elizabeth Long b. 1670, d. Jan 1717


  1. [S362] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436; MD Cal. of Wills, II, page 212; EB 13, pp. 28 and 131.
  2. [S177] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 322.
  3. [S917] Unknown author, Vanessa Long at e-mail address on 4/19/2006.
  4. [S178] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436.

Isaac Boston1

M, #393, b. 5 July 1758
Isaac Boston|b. 5 Jul 1758|p7.htm#i393|Mathew Boston|b. c 1730\nd. bt 1763 - Nov 1767|p7.htm#i404||||Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|||||||
Father Mathew Boston b. c 1730, d. bt 1763 - Nov 1767
Birth*5 July 1758Isaac Boston was born on 5 July 1758 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1 


  1. [S363] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 79.

Isaac Boston1

M, #394, b. before 1734
Isaac Boston|b. b 1734|p7.htm#i394|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Birth*before 1734Isaac Boston was born before 1734.1 
Residence*1750He lived in 1750 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD adjacent to father.1 


Child 1.David Boston b. b 1750


  1. [S349] Unknown author, 1750 Tax List, Somerset Co, MD, Pocomoke Hd, Household 123 from MDState Archives.

Jacob Boston1

M, #395, b. 1722, d. 31 March 1788
Jacob Boston|b. 1722\nd. 31 Mar 1788|p7.htm#i395|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Birth*1722Jacob Boston was born in 1722 at Somerset Co, MD.2 
Death*31 March 1788He died on 31 March 1788.2 


Child 1.Robert Boston b. 30 Sep 1760


  1. [S351] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #4, Folio 140, 1760-1769, Esau Boston,pg 73 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.
  2. [S354] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 20.

James Henry Boston1

M, #397, b. 16 August 1852, d. 11 March 1918
Birth*16 August 1852James Henry Boston was born on 16 August 1852 at Worcester Co, MD.2 
Marriage*22 January 1879He married Susan F. Clogg, daughter of James Clogg and Elizabeth J. Moore, on 22 January 1879 at Worcester Co, MD.1 
Death*11 March 1918James Henry Boston died on 11 March 1918 at Baltimore, Baltimore Co, MD, at age 65.2 


 Susan F. Clogg b. 7 Jan 1858, d. 18 Aug 1922
Child 1.Mabel Boston b. 10 Oct 1880, d. 16 Oct 1958


  1. [S364] Unknown author, FamilySearch International Geno. Index, Batch # 5007050, Source Call #1553394, sheet 10.
  2. [S365] Unknown author, FamilySearch Ancestral File v4.19, AFN:1K4F-GKB.

Joshua Boston1

M, #398, b. 20 July 1752, d. 19 August 1817
Joshua Boston|b. 20 Jul 1752\nd. 19 Aug 1817|p7.htm#i398|Lazarus Boston|b. c 1727\nd. Apr 1789|p7.htm#i399|Grace Matthews|b. c 1731\nd. bt 1800 - 1804|p74.htm#i4012|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Teague Matthews Sr.|b. c 1695\nd. Jan 1761|p87.htm#i4521|Elizabeth Adams|b. c 1710\nd. a 30 Jun 1772|p2.htm#i62|
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Box)
Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Lazarus Boston b. c 1727, d. Apr 1789
Mother Grace Matthews b. c 1731, d. bt 1800 - 1804
Birth*20 July 1752Joshua Boston was born on 20 July 1752 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1 
Death*19 August 1817He died on 19 August 1817 at Somerset Co, MD, at age 65. 


  1. [S350] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 69.

Lazarus Boston1

M, #399, b. circa 1727, d. April 1789
Lazarus Boston|b. c 1727\nd. Apr 1789|p7.htm#i399|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Birth*circa 1727Lazarus Boston was born circa 1727 at Morumsco, Somerset Co, MD.2 
Marriage*14 October 1751He married Grace Matthews, daughter of Teague Matthews Sr. and Elizabeth Adams, on 14 October 1751 at Rehobeth, Conventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.3 
Death*April 1789Lazarus Boston died in April 1789 at Somerset Co, MD.2 


 Grace Matthews b. c 1731, d. bt 1800 - 1804
Children 1.Joshua Boston b. 20 Jul 1752, d. 19 Aug 1817
 2.Esau Boston b. 28 Sep 1753
 3.Elisabeth Boston b. 7 May 1755
 4.Lazarus Boston b. 29 Mar 1760
 5.Stephen Boston b. 3 Nov 1761


  1. [S351] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #4, Folio 140, 1760-1769, Esau Boston,pg 73 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.
  2. [S348] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 19.
  3. [S105] Unknown author, Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, page 2 of Matthews.

Lazarus Boston1

M, #400, b. 29 March 1760
Lazarus Boston|b. 29 Mar 1760|p7.htm#i400|Lazarus Boston|b. c 1727\nd. Apr 1789|p7.htm#i399|Grace Matthews|b. c 1731\nd. bt 1800 - 1804|p74.htm#i4012|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Teague Matthews Sr.|b. c 1695\nd. Jan 1761|p87.htm#i4521|Elizabeth Adams|b. c 1710\nd. a 30 Jun 1772|p2.htm#i62|
Charts Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Box)
Morris Matthews Descendant Chart (Indented)
Father Lazarus Boston b. c 1727, d. Apr 1789
Mother Grace Matthews b. c 1731, d. bt 1800 - 1804
Birth*29 March 1760Lazarus Boston was born on 29 March 1760 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1 


  1. [S363] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 79.

Mabel Boston1

F, #401, b. 10 October 1880, d. 16 October 1958
Mabel Boston|b. 10 Oct 1880\nd. 16 Oct 1958|p7.htm#i401|James Henry Boston|b. 16 Aug 1852\nd. 11 Mar 1918|p7.htm#i397|Susan F. Clogg|b. 7 Jan 1858\nd. 18 Aug 1922|p17.htm#i982|||||||James Clogg|b. c 1816|p16.htm#i907|Elizabeth J. Moore|b. c 1826|p96.htm#i4940|
Father James Henry Boston b. 16 Aug 1852, d. 11 Mar 1918
Mother Susan F. Clogg b. 7 Jan 1858, d. 18 Aug 1922
Birth*10 October 1880Mabel Boston was born on 10 October 1880 at Pitts Creek, Worcester Co, MD.1 
Death*16 October 1958She died on 16 October 1958 at Salisbury, Wicomico Co, MD, at age 78.1 


  1. [S366] Unknown author,, Gene Pool Individual Records.

Maritha Boston1

F, #402, b. 16 July 1752
Maritha Boston|b. 16 Jul 1752|p7.htm#i402|Esau Boston Jr.|b. c 1721\nd. 6 Dec 1760|p7.htm#i388||||Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|||||||
Father Esau Boston Jr. b. c 1721, d. 6 Dec 1760
Birth*16 July 1752Maritha Boston was born on 16 July 1752 at Coventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1 


  1. [S350] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 69.

Mary Boston1

F, #403, b. circa 1725, d. between 1770 and March 1773
Mary Boston|b. c 1725\nd. bt 1770 - Mar 1773|p7.htm#i403|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Birth*circa 1725Mary Boston was born circa 1725 at Morumsco, Somerset Co, MD.2 
Death*between 1770 and March 1773She died between 1770 and March 1773. 


  1. [S351] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #4, Folio 140, 1760-1769, Esau Boston,pg 73 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.
  2. [S354] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 20.

Mathew Boston1

M, #404, b. circa 1730, d. between 1763 and November 1767
Mathew Boston|b. c 1730\nd. bt 1763 - Nov 1767|p7.htm#i404|Esau Boston|b. 1695\nd. b 30 Aug 1768|p7.htm#i385|Ellis Dennis|b. c 1695|p22.htm#i1258|Esau Boston|b. bt 1673 - 1677\nd. 1721|p7.htm#i387||||||||||
Father Esau Boston b. 1695, d. b 30 Aug 1768
Mother Ellis Dennis b. c 1695
Name Variation Mathew Boston was also known as Matthews. 
Birth*circa 1730He was born circa 1730 at Somerset Co, MD.1 
Residence*1750He lived in 1750 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD with father.2 
Death*between 1763 and November 1767He died between 1763 and November 1767.1 


Child 1.Isaac Boston b. 5 Jul 1758


  1. [S354] Unknown author, The Boston Family of Maryland by Matthew Wise in 1986, page 20.
  2. [S352] Unknown author, 1750 Tax List, Somerset Co, MD, Pocomoke Hd, Household 121 from MDState Archives.

Richard Boston1

F, #406, b. 1670, d. between 1707 and 1708
Richard Boston|b. 1670\nd. bt 1707 - 1708|p7.htm#i406|Henry Boston Sr.|d. 24 Sep 1676|p7.htm#i390||||||||||||||||
Father Henry Boston Sr. d. 24 Sep 1676
Birth*1670Richard Boston was born in 1670.2 
Death*between 1707 and 1708She died between 1707 and 1708. 


  1. [S178] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 436.
  2. [S177] Unknown author, 'Old Somerset on The Eastern Shore of Maryland' by Clayton Torrence,1935, page 322.