[S145] Unknown author, Field observation 3/5/2000 at cemetery.
[S3097] Unknown author, Tombstones of Sussex Co, Delaware, Vol Two, by Downstate DelawareGenealogical Society, 12/2007, pg 274.
William VanDyke Matthews1
M, #4607, b. 21 July 1864, d. before 1926
William VanDyke Matthews|b. 21 Jul 1864\nd. b 1926|p89.htm#i4607|Francis H. Matthews|b. 18 Mar 1832\nd. 2 May 1926|p73.htm#i3977|Eliza J.|b. Nov 1836\nd. a 1910|p37.htm#i2227|James M. Matthews|b. 27 Mar 1790\nd. 17 Aug 1862|p77.htm#i4115|Jemima Henry|b. 7 Sep 1797\nd. 1 Jan 1856|p36.htm#i2067|||||||
William VanDyke Matthews was born on 21 July 1864 at DE.1
He lived in 1870 at Brinkley Distr, Somerset Co, MD.2
before 1926
He died before 1926.3
[S2474] Unknown author, James M. Matthews & Jemina Henry of New Castle Co, DE & TheirDescendants, 3/1994, by Marilyn Matthews Lear at e-mail address &1880 Census.
[S2475] Unknown author, Obituary of Francis Matthews, 5/2/1926, Salisbury, Wicomico Co, MD.
William W. Matthews1
M, #4608, b. circa 1824
William W. Matthews|b. c 1824|p89.htm#i4608|William Matthews|b. c 1776\nd. a 1850|p87.htm#i4565|Aralanta Pruitt|b. c 1790\nd. a 1850|p109.htm#i5635|Ezekial Matthews|b. c 1730\nd. a 1799|p73.htm#i3967|(?) Wife|b. b 1755\nd. a 1783|p133.htm#i7042|||||||
Wingate Matthews was (an unknown value) at 73 yrs, 3 months, 28 days.2
He 1. Had no children in 1820 per Census. 2. Relatives receiving payment for debt or buying goods from inventoryauction after Wingate Matthews' death were; Hezekiah Mathews,Catherine Matthews, Sarah Matthews, Eliza Ann Matthews, Nutter S.Matthews, Henry C. Matthews, Phillip W. Matthews, Mary E. Matthews &Sarah E. Matthews. 3. Wingate had 1 free 'colored' at his farm in 1840 Census. 4. Per The Union, Georgetown, Sussesx Co,DE, 4/21/1865, pg 2, PhillipW. Matthews was apointed Administrator of Wingate's estate on4/12/1865.
He was buried at Matthews Cemetery, 2 miles west of Lowes Crossroads, Sam Hill Road.2
10 December 1791
He was born on 10 December 1791 at Sussex Co, DE, USA.2
24 May 1813
He began military service on 24 May 1813 at War of 1812 - Enlisted in Delaware Militia, Sussex Co as Pvt in Capt. Josiah Polk's Company.3
28 November 1814
He began military service on 28 November 1814 at War of 1812 - Pvt in 7th Reg, Grenadier Co of Delaware Militia under Capt. Morris.4
He lived in 1820 at Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE.1
between 1820 and 1860
He lived between 1820 and 1860 at Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE.5
He lived in 1830 at Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE.6
16 April 1832
His estate was probated on 16 April 1832 at Inherited property from Clement Cannon, Nancy's brother.7
He lived in 1840 at Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE.8
Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _ELEC in 1843 at Trustee of the Poor, Sussex Co, DE.9
He lived in 1850 at 11th Subdivision, Sussex Co, DE.10
between 1850 and 1860
He was (an unknown value) between 1850 and 1860 at Farmer.11
Unrecognized GEDCOM data: Unknown GEDCOM tag: _ELEC in 1855 at Trustee of the Poor, Sussex Co, DE.9
[S3104] Unknown author, 1850, 1860 Census & FTM CD # 399.
[S2867] Unknown author, 1850 Census, 11th Subdivision, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 286A, House 1274,Family 1277.
[S422] Unknown author, 1840 Census, Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 351.
[S3548] Unknown author, Delaware Marriage Records, Vol 45, pg 189; Sussex County fromancestry.com.
[S4052] Unknown author, Delaware Marriage Records, 1744-1912, Vol 89, pg 38; Sussex County Vol1, pg 144 from ancestry.com.
[S2561] Unknown author, 1860 Census, Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 370, House 384,Family 380.
[S575] Unknown author, Jacob Jones Record for Lowe's Crossroads/Dagsboro area of Sussex Co,DE owned by Mr Jones at e-mail address on 11/16/2009 fromLower-Delmarva-Roots.
Wingate Gordy Matthews was buried at Glenwood Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co, DE.2
He 1. Per Civil War Pension by Sarah E. Mathews, widow of WingateMathews, filed 6/3/1898, Application # 677623, Certificate # 482287from Ancestry.com, Sarah was widowed on June 3, 1898 not May 13, 1898as shown in my record. 2. Longevity was 83 years, 9 months and 3 days per Delaware deathrecord. This makes date of birth 8/10/1814 not 8/10/1916 aspreviously shown.
Wingate Gordy Matthews was born on 10 August 1814 at Sussex Co, DE, USA.2
He lived in 1840 at Broad Creek Hd, Sussex Co, DE.3
28 September 1841
He married Sarah Emeline Callaway, daughter of John W. Callaway Sr. and Sarah Cannon, on 28 September 1841 at Georgetown, Sussex Co by Rev. Wm. Gordy of Laurel, DE.4
Wingate Gordy Matthews lived in 1850 at Murderkill Hd, Kent Co, DE.5
He was (an unknown value) in 1850 at Laborer.5
He lived in 1860 at Georgetown PO, Broadkiln Hd, Sussex Co, DE.6
He was (an unknown value) in 1860 at Laborer.6
between 6 February 1862 and 19 July 1862
He began military service between 6 February 1862 and 19 July 1862 at Private in Infrantry with Third Regiment, Company D of Sussex Co, Delaware Volunteers, Union Army. Discahrged for a disability..7
13 June 1867
He began military service on 13 June 1867 at Invalid from Company D, Regiment 3, Delaware Inf.8
He was (an unknown value) in 1870 at Farmer.9
He lived in 1870 at Townsend PO, Appoquinimink Hd, New Castle Co, DE.9
13 May 1898
He died on 13 May 1898 at Golts Station, Kent Co, MD, at age 83.10
[S4044] Unknown author, Delaware Archives, Sussex County Marriage Bond, Vol 48, pg 8: SussexCounty per John J. Zoch, Sr. at e-mail address.
[S513] Unknown author, 1850 Census, Murderkill Hd, Kent Co, DE, pg 416, House 84, Family 84.
[S507] Unknown author, 1860 Census, Georgetown PO, Broadkiln Hd, Sussex Co, DE, page 15,House 109, Family 106.
[S3105] Unknown author, Erin Noelle Burris Rodriguez at e-mail address fromAncestry.com ID:I0280 of WorldConnect Project &www.bitsofblueandgray.com, Delaware Rost.
[S3106] Unknown author, Civil War Pension by Sarah E. Mathews, widow of Wingate Mathews, filed6/3/1898, Application # 677623, Certificate # 482287 from Ancestry.com.
[S514] Unknown author, 1870 Census, Townsend PO, Appoquinimin, New Castle Co, DE, page 410A,House 225, Family 234.
[S18] Unknown author, Stephen Edward Matthews of Federalsburg, Caroline Co, MD.
Zachariah Matthews1
M, #4614, b. 8 November 1765, d. after 1813
Zachariah Matthews|b. 8 Nov 1765\nd. a 1813|p89.htm#i4614|Samuel Matthews Jr.|b. c 1718\nd. bt 1776 - 1778|p84.htm#i4436|Mary McCready|d. bt 5 Dec 1802 - 9 Nov 1813|p89.htm#i4643|Samuel Matthews Sr.|b. 1703\nd. bt 25 Apr 1778 - 27 Apr 1784|p84.htm#i4437|Hannah Boyer|d. bt 1750 - 1756|p8.htm#i425|||||||
He was born on 8 November 1765 at Conventry Parish, Somerset Co, MD.1
He lived in 1798 at Pocomoke Hd, Somerset Co, MD.3
23 October 1807
His estate was probated on 23 October 1807 at Zachariah & Charlotte Matthews sold land in Somerset Co, MD to John R. Slocumb for 60 pounds.4
He lived in 1810 at Pocomoke.5
after 1813
He died after 1813.2
[S607] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 87.
[S2647] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #23, 1812-1818, Folio 195, MaryMatthews, pg 17 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.
[S1060] Unknown author, 1798 Tax List - Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, page 1A ofMatthews.
[S2401] Unknown author, Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, page 11 of Matthews.
[S3107] Unknown author, 1800 Somerset Co Census, page 303.
Zipporal Matthews1
F, #4617, d. after 1799
Zipporal Matthews|d. a 1799|p89.htm#i4617|David Matthews|b. c 1741\nd. 1796|p70.htm#i3869|Sarah Carsley|d. a 1800|p12.htm#i691|Teague Matthews Sr.|b. c 1695\nd. Jan 1761|p87.htm#i4521|Elizabeth Adams|b. c 1710\nd. a 30 Jun 1772|p2.htm#i62|||||||
[S2541] Unknown author, Dryden Files at Nabb Research Center, page 19A of Matthews; probate ofEdward Matthews, Somerset Co, MD, 4/16/1799, Liber EB24, Folio 58.
Jane Matthews?1
F, #4618, b. circa 1831
Jane Matthews?|b. c 1831|p89.htm#i4618|Levi Matthews|b. c 1790\nd. a 1845|p79.htm#i4223||||Teague Matthews Jr.|b. bt 1736 - 1737\nd. bt 23 Mar 1790 - 27 Apr 1790|p87.htm#i4520|Mary Truitt|b. c 1752\nd. bt 1804 - 15 Aug 1814|p129.htm#i6769|||||||
[S18] Unknown author, Stephen Edward Matthews of Federalsburg, Caroline Co, MD.
Margaret Matthews?1
F, #4619, b. circa 1833
Margaret Matthews?|b. c 1833|p89.htm#i4619|Levi Matthews|b. c 1790\nd. a 1845|p79.htm#i4223||||Teague Matthews Jr.|b. bt 1736 - 1737\nd. bt 23 Mar 1790 - 27 Apr 1790|p87.htm#i4520|Mary Truitt|b. c 1752\nd. bt 1804 - 15 Aug 1814|p129.htm#i6769|||||||
[S2182] Unknown author, Delaware Genealogical Society Journal, October 2010, Vol 15, No 4, pg90, History & Genealogy of the Joe Long Cemetery at Selbyville: A Long& Murray Family Cemetery by Marjorie E Adams.
Lavinia McCabe1
F, #4630, b. 4 August 1827, d. 23 April 1904
Lavinia McCabe|b. 4 Aug 1827\nd. 23 Apr 1904|p89.htm#i4630|Isaac McCabe|b. 13 Apr 1801\nd. 8 Jan 1874|p89.htm#i4629||||||||||||||||
[S313] Unknown author, Family Histories & Descendants of Richard Wilson Long & Arabella JaneAdkins Long & Others by Curtis Woodrow Long, pg 20, April 1968.
[S1933] Unknown author, 1900 Census, Enum Distr 96, Indian River Hd, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 16A,House 308, Family 308.
Martha E. McCallister1,2
F, #4637, b. 1882, d. 1934
Martha E. McCallister was buried at Millsboro Cemetery, Millsboro, Sussex Co, DE.3
[S3120] Unknown author, 1880 Census, St. Georges, New Castle Co, DE, FHL Film 1254120, pg 371DMaryland Archives Archives Death Certificate for Annie McClainMatthews per Ern.
[S472] Unknown author, Erin Noelle Burris Rodriguez at e-mail address per Burris &Matthews Family Handwritten Notes.
[S2635] Unknown author, 1880 Census, St. Georges, New Castle Co, DE, FHL Film 1254120, pg 371D.
[S3083] Unknown author, Maryland Archives Archives Death Certificate for Annie McClainMatthews per Ernie Mabrey at e-mail address.
[S3121] Unknown author, Maryland Archives Archives Death Certificate for Annie McClainMatthews per Ernie Mabrey at e-mail address & 1910 Census.
Mary McCready1
F, #4643, d. between 5 December 1802 and 9 November 1813
Mary McCready left a will on 5 December 1802 at Somerset Co, MD, named son Isaac Matthews as executor.2
between 5 December 1802 and 9 November 1813
She died between 5 December 1802 and 9 November 1813 at Somerset Co, MD.2
9 November 1813
Her estate was probated on 9 November 1813 at Somerset Co, MD. named heirs as sons Isaac & Zachariah Matthews; daughters Suffia, Mary, Ruth & Sarah Matthews and Peggy Car.2
[S384] Unknown author, Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records, Book 3, 1751-1775 by F. EdwardWright, page 72.
[S2647] Unknown author, Somerset Co, MD Wills, Liber EB #23, 1812-1818, Folio 195, MaryMatthews, pg 17 by Leslie & Neil Keddie, 2001.
John McFann1,2
M, #4646, b. November 1887
John McFann|b. Nov 1887|p89.htm#i4646|Samuel McFann|b. Mar 1855\nd. b 1 Sep 1939|p89.htm#i4647|Mary Catharine O'Day|b. 22 Jun 1862\nd. 1 Sep 1939|p101.htm#i5242|||||||William E. O'Day|b. 6 Apr 1837\nd. 26 Aug 1926|p104.htm#i5339|Violetta Murphy|b. 4 Mar 1841\nd. 24 Jul 1919|p96.htm#i4993|
[S3124] Unknown author, Obituary of William O'Day, Denton Journal, pg 5, Denton, Caroline Co,MD, 9/4/1926.
[S3125] Unknown author, Delaware Marriage Records, 1744-1912, Vol 90, pg 117 & Vol 34, pg 152;Kent County Vol 1B, pg 137 from ancestry.com.
[S3122] Unknown author, Delaware Death Certificate, Registered # 2104, Mary Catharine Mc Fannfrom www.familysearch.org on April 13, 2011.
[S3126] Unknown author, Delaware Birth Records, Delayed Birth Certificate # A12875, KentCounty, Samuel E McFann, filed 1/28/1948.
[S3123] Unknown author, 1900 Census, Enum Distr 72, Little Creek, Kent, DE, pg 2A, House 28,Family 28.
Samuel E McFann1
M, #4648, b. 10 January 1881
Samuel E McFann|b. 10 Jan 1881|p89.htm#i4648|Samuel McFann|b. Mar 1855\nd. b 1 Sep 1939|p89.htm#i4647|Mary Catharine O'Day|b. 22 Jun 1862\nd. 1 Sep 1939|p101.htm#i5242|||||||William E. O'Day|b. 6 Apr 1837\nd. 26 Aug 1926|p104.htm#i5339|Violetta Murphy|b. 4 Mar 1841\nd. 24 Jul 1919|p96.htm#i4993|
Samuel E McFann was born on 10 January 1881 at near Leipsic, Kent, Delaware, USA.1
He lived in 1900 at Little Creek, Kent, Delaware, USA.2
[S3126] Unknown author, Delaware Birth Records, Delayed Birth Certificate # A12875, KentCounty, Samuel E McFann, filed 1/28/1948.
[S3123] Unknown author, 1900 Census, Enum Distr 72, Little Creek, Kent, DE, pg 2A, House 28,Family 28.
William A McFann1
M, #4650, b. October 1882
William A McFann|b. Oct 1882|p89.htm#i4650|Samuel McFann|b. Mar 1855\nd. b 1 Sep 1939|p89.htm#i4647|Mary Catharine O'Day|b. 22 Jun 1862\nd. 1 Sep 1939|p101.htm#i5242|||||||William E. O'Day|b. 6 Apr 1837\nd. 26 Aug 1926|p104.htm#i5339|Violetta Murphy|b. 4 Mar 1841\nd. 24 Jul 1919|p96.htm#i4993|
[S3127] Unknown author, 1913 Farm Directory of Sussex County, page 30 & 1920 Census,Enumeration District 186, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 16A, House 395,Family 406.
[S601] Unknown author, Obituary of Ralph J. O'Day, Seaford Star, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE.10/9/2008, pg 43.
[S214] Unknown author, Field observation - 4/13/2003 at Odd Fellows Cemetery.
[S3128] Unknown author, 1930 Census, District 11, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 5A, House 100, Family100 & Field observation - 4/13/2003 at Odd Fellows Cemetery.
[S3129] Unknown author, 1930 Census, District 11, Sussex Co, DE, pg. 5A, House 100, Family100.
[S3130] Unknown author, 1920 Census, Enumeration District 186, Seaford, Sussex Co, DE, pg.16A, House 395, Family 406.